Monday 23 January 2012

Cottage Road - Defining the Problem

To better understand the brief and what resolutions and development I need to work towards, I need to identify exactly what the problem is. The brief is to create, brand and promote a week long film event that in itself promotes the importance of independent film & cinema.


- Indy cinema needs more supporters
- More people need to support and watch independent cinema
- People don't have much interest in indy cinema or don't know about it
- People need to understand the importance of independent cinema
- Indy cinema has the potential to disappear in the UK
- With more support and more watching, more films can be made and more talent can emerge in future - The industry will grow larger again
- People need to actually go to the cinema to watch the films

I found that by defining these problems, there were a lot more questions that came up that I want to research to further my knowledge of the subject:

How many people follow/ support independent cinema?
What kind of people support indy cinema?
Why don;t more people support independent cinema?
Why do people support it at all?
Why aren't people interested in Indy cinema?
How can people become more interested?
Why don't people understand the importance?
Why is independent cinema so important?
How can people understand the importance?
Why is independent cinema disappearing?
How rapidly is this happening?
By what time will independent British cinema be eradicated?
What can be done to stop it?
How much more support is needed?
How much do independent films cost to make?
Who are the main producers of independent films in the UK?
How does new future talent emerge into the film industry?
What makes some independent films better than others?
Why don't people go to the cinema much?
How can more people be persuaded to go?
How much is piracy affecting this?
Why won't people pay the price of a cinema ticket?

In answering these questions I think I may have a clearer idea of where to go with the brief, and some more research to work with for developing solutions.

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