Tuesday 17 January 2012

SixteenHT branding development

As part of the book fair and the collective branding, we have had to summarise our collective in around 100 words, talking about our design practice and skills. This is kind of our rationale:

"SixteenHT was founded by Niall Hargrave, William Duffy, Ben McKean, Sam Wallbank and Pawel Adamek and is a design collective consisting of five housemates based in Leeds.

Our focus on exploring themes is based on social context and its relationship within contemporary graphic design. Experimental typography, illustration and print making are central to our work. Using new processes and techniques excites and influences our design direction, and allows us to create appropriate outcomes.

We are passionate about working with other people as well as personally developing our design ethic."

Wer also decided on a final logo for the collective, keeping it bold and simple to reflect contemporary and clean graphic design: 

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