Monday 19 March 2012

Civil Defense

Civil Defense was the efforts of many countries in the world to unify some kind of protection for civillians   against war and its effects. This was a post-world war thing, as before the wars civilians were not specifically targeted in bombings. Civil defense ran for the duration of the cold war and then kind of fizzled out, reforming slightly as a result of world trade centre attacks and war in the middle east. This is the universal logo for Civil Defense.

In the US, Civil Defense was most prominent during the 50's and early 60's because of the cold war, creating loads of promotion and publications to educate and inform people about the possibilities of atomic bombing in the US and what to do in the event. More than anything, they basically kept morale in the country high by falsely convincing the public of America that they could survive atomic war.

A couple of examples of cold war literature created by the Civil Defense and one informative animation for kids.

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