Wednesday 22 February 2012

Logo Idea - Xray

I wanted to take the x-ray idea I came up with for the ZFF logo and try to vector it. I started by looking at my original idea and trying to translate it into the whole word "Zombie". Originally the design just had standard bones throughout, but then I thought they could stick out like really badly broken bones to make it a bit more gruesome and zombie-like.

The idea behind this design was that two colour could be used and overprinted to create a varied tone when they cross.

I found it much more difficult to do some letter than others and to keep the whole thing actually interesting to look at. I guess instead of the skull/ jaw in the B I could have just used simpler bones like in the others, but it seemed like doing that the whole way through might just be boring. I may try it with simpler bones later.
After this, I put it into illustrator and hand traced the bones with straight lines, giving a kind of cartoony feel, and put it together with the type underneath.

I tried this out with a few colour variations too:

As far as this resolution of the idea goes, I don;t really like it that much. I like the concept and the original letter Z, but it gets a little bit complicated later on.

In fact, I'm not sure how clear or relevant this type even is in relation to zombies.
I may try another variation before dropping the idea.

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