Wednesday 22 February 2012

Zombie Film Festival - Logo Ideas

To start designing the overall branding, I decided to start with some logo ideas.
Initially, I wanted to find an existing typeface to work from with the logo design.
The current logo is type based as well, so I thought it would be a good start.

I looked at some typefaces that I thought would be most relevant, ranging from bolder contemporary typefaces to older gothic styles to represent the whole old/fantasy aspect of zombies. In the end I decided that sans serif fonts were working best, maybe because they relate a bit better to the contemporary film festival idea. 
Of these typefaces I decided that Century Gothic and Tw Cen MT worked the best. 

Of these, I chose to work with Century Gothic for now. 

Next I started using illustrator to put some initial ideas into practise, working with ideas of desecration/ decaying/ breaking/ dripping etc. I liked some of these, but they all seemed quite stale in terms of concept. All of these have been done before a lot of times. 

I made one full "zombie" word from the shredded style of character above, but still I didn't think it was hugely inventive. 

After this, I started working by hand to give myself a bit more freedom compared to in Illustrator, trying to come up with some slightly different and bolder ideas. 

This was a lot more successful and let me come up with some much more freehand and flowing illustrative type ideas. The Ideas that I particularly liked were the x-ray style skeleton letters and using a biological kind of cell-based character idea. I will explore these specifically a bit more. 

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